add new koi pond

How To Add New Koi Into Your Pond

When you add new koi into your pond, it is important to do so with care. Adding new fish without taking the proper steps beforehand could lead to catastrophic problems which could compromise the safety of the pond and all the current fish within it.

Subject The New Fish To Quarantine

Never place new fish into the pond with your existing population until you’ve taken the time to quarantine them. Fish are susceptible to a number of diseases, and many of them are contagious. Furthermore, some of these afflictions can be hard to detect visually, so you will want to take some time to run tests on your new fish to make sure they are healthy before they are introduced to the pond.

Use A Thermometer With Pond Salt

Every koi pond should have a thermometer installed so the water temperature can be monitored at all times. Prior to introducing new fish, it will easily enable you to determine the temperature of the pond water in comparison to the holding tank for the new fish, to verify that both are similar.  This ensures the fish will not be subjected to large temperature differences which could create unnecessary stress for them. Fish which are stressed are more susceptible to disease, but pond salt can be used to prevent it, since it rebuilds the slime coating which protects them, while also shielding the fish from parasites.

Detoxify The Pond And Add Helpful Bacteria

Pond detoxification is a process which is designed to remove chloramines, chlorine, chelates and ammonia. This will make the water safer for the new plants and fish and will also allow iron to be utilized by the plants in the form of a fertilizer. While most think of bacteria as being a bad thing, in actuality there are good and bad variants. Pond owners want helpful bacteria since it will help create a biological equilibrium, which results in water that is healthy, clean and clear.

Properly Removing And Acclimating Fish

When moving fish back and forth into your pond, be sure to use a fish net so they remain safe. After buying new fish, you will first want to ensure that the water in the pond has been dechlorinated. When placing the fish in the pond, make use of a fish bag to float them on the surface for about fifteen minutes, then add some of the pond water to the bag and wait another fifteen minutes and then release into the water. The purpose of doing this is to lower shock on the fish while allowing them to become acclimated to their new environment. When fish enter a pond for the first time most of them will hide due to the stress of having to travel, as well as the unfamiliarity of their new surroundings. Don’t feed them too much at this stage, as it isn’t necessary for koi to feed daily, and when you do the best type of meals is cold water food.

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