perfect koi first pond

The Perfect Koi For Your First Pond

You put in so much effort into designing, planning and building your beautiful koi pond – and now all that’s left is to find some even more beautiful koi to populate your pond. But before you go out and splash the cash on the best koi money can buy, a word of caution. If you are new to raising koi, there is a learning curve involved and mistakes will be made. Hence, you don’t want to take all the risk at the start while you are still figuring things out. We advise you to start with koi which are lower priced, and also very resilient and hardy, so that they can weather through your experimental phases while you learn to become the best koi parent there is. Here are our suggestions for the perfect koi for your first pond.

Koi Fish From The Pet Store

There’s a reason why pet stores choose the koi fish that they do to sell in stores – they are inexpensive and quite resilient, and they look great! These fish come in every color and pattern imaginable, and there will certainly be a few that will catch your eye. They are also used to being handled as the pet store does its regular tank maintenance, and do not require special care. The best part is, you can find pet store koi easily in a shop, so your first koi could be just down the street!

Ghost Koi Fish

Ghost koi are an option for first time koi owners who may want a hardy fish and don’t mind paying a little bit more. Ghost koi are a cross breed of koi and carp, and are therefore extremely resilient. While they are slightly pricier than the pet store koi, they are not that much more expensive, and are usually within affordable range for first time koi owners. Benefits of Ghost koi include their reduced likelihood of contracting diseases, and some breeders have even given them the title of ‘bullet proof’! Also, they grow very quickly so you can have beautiful, mid-sized koi in your pond before too long.

Kohaku Koi Fish

You would recognize a Kohaku koi fish when you see one, as it has a distinctive pattern in the form of brightly colored patches. While these beautiful koi are more expensive than Ghost koi, they are easier to find due to their popularity. Kohaku fish are also quite resilient, if a little less so than Ghost koi, and are quite stunning in the pond. This is a great option for you to have an iconic fish to star in your pond.

Butterfly Koi Fish

With their gracefully flowing fins, butterfly koi are lovely additions to a pond. One little-known fact about them is that they are said to be more resilient than koi with straight fins. However, they can be more expensive.

With a variety of koi options to start you off, you are in a good place. Get your starter fish from Everything Koi, your go-to supplier of koi related products and services. Whether you’re looking for fish, pond equipment, pumps and more, we have you covered. Contact us today!

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