Atlantic Tidalwave Asynchronous Pump

Starting at: $359.99
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The Antlantic TidalWave Asynchronous Pump is the kind of pump that has ultra-high efficiency for the next generation. It pumps more water with high flow of 1500-9000 gallons per hour.  They come in small compact sizes that can fit anywhere no matter how tight it is, remarkably opening a whole new range of application.  The pump has set new standard making it the perfect choice for high flow medium head application hence reducing energy cost.

It comes with water cooled screen to keep grit out of the rooter chamber. This pump has three vane hybrid impeller and very tight tolerance between the impeller and the vault thus making it function like a wonderful efficient radial but still have the ability to pass large debris to simplify maintenance for maximum water flow.  Everything Koi is the number one in all you need to know about pumps, and we provide Atlantic TidalWave Asynchronous Pump at affordable prices.

Key Features of Atlantic TidalWave Asynchronous Pump

  • Clog Resistance
  • Hard Water Tolerance
  • Has A Balanced Water Flow While Keeping Any Abrasive Out.
  •  Energy Sufficient Up To 30%
  • Quarter-Turn Volute Provides Access To Impeller Without The Use Of Tools
  • Maximum Pump Flow Is Up To 4490 GPH
  • Increase Solid Handling Capability
  • Intake Size 1-1/2 MIPT
  • Discharge 1-1/2 FIPT
  • It’s C UL US Listed.
  • Has A Manufacturer Warranty
  • … and more!

Shop For Atlantic TidalWave Asynchronous Pump at Everything Koi

Feel free to visit Everything Koi to get this pump and an endless variety of other aquatic products or you can reach us on (908) 420-9908 for more information!